What is Star?
UCA uses Renaissance Star 360 Assessments to help teachers understand what students know and what they are ready to learn next. Students are assessed in Math and Reading in order to provide information regarding their strengths, weaknesses, and growth in both subjects.
This information helps us fulfill our promise to individualize your student's education. It is our mission to give students a well-rounded experience and help them build on their individual strengths and interests. UCA greatly appreciates your participation in this mission.
When are the Assessments?
Students will participate in these assessments three times a year-beginning, middle and end of the school year. The test window will show up on student's planner. Specific test dates and times will be communicated out by your student's homeroom or advisory teacher. Once the assessment are completed, you can mark the lesson completed in Connexus.
How does it work?
Students will log in to their teacher's live lesson room at their scheduled time to take the assessments. They will receive their login information and instructions. Assessment results are available to learning coaches after the testing window closes. Each assessment has 34 questions and will take between 20-30 minutes each (around an hour for both). There will be no Live Lessons on these days, but In N' Out will still be held. As an incentive for completing both portions of the STAR test, students will receive extra credit participation points in these subjects.
Can I opt out?
Star math and reading assessments are not the same as state testing. These are formative assessments and the information we receive is important both to teachers and the school itself. We appreciate your help in having your students participate in these assessments. If your student is nervous about these, please talk to your homeroom or advisory teacher for some help and ideas to make it go smoothly.
Tips for Success
Schedule a time when your student is not rushed.
Encourage your student to take their time to read each question. Clicking through answers will not give teachers an effective measure of what they know.
Come ready to test. Have a snack and restroom break before beginning.
Encourage students to do their best not worry if they are getting questions right or wrong. The test is adaptive and if the student is doing well, the questions will get harder as they go.